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Getting Ready to Recruit Virtually!

Recruitment moving online this fall has given us so many learning opportunities. We have been able to bounce ideas off other sorority chapters across the country that are having to jump through the same obstacles we are. We are lucky that some other chapters are going through recruitment before we are, so we can listen to the advice they have and what worked well for them.

High Point University which is located in High Point North Carolina recently teamed up with our chapter. Together, we practiced recruitment rounds over zoom. We took turns being PNMs for the High Point Zetas and vice versa. This experience gave us an idea on how the transitions and technology is going to work. Being able to perfect recruitment over a zoom call with girls that are in a different time zone than us gave us the final push we needed to feel confident in this new way of recruiting.

Recruitment starts today and that makes us so excited! We have put in a lot of hard work learning how to recruit online and we know it will pay off! Even though we won’t be able to talk to the PNMs in person, we are still so pumped to be adding new members to the ZTA family!

Written by Maddie Birk

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